I’m pleased to say that my new album is out now on all platforms. Thanks a lot to those who’ve already bought a copy or had a listen.

It’s on BandCamp here (CD or musician-friendly digital/streaming).

Or all of the usual streaming services here.

Or send me a message if you’d like me to send you a CD copy!

Just to give a quick bit of background:

I’d wanted to do an album around the theme of a single composer for a while. Kurt Weill (1900-1950) seemed like an interesting subject because of the variety of music he wrote: he initially composed very much in the western classical tradition, before leaving Germany in the face of increasing interference and scrutiny from the Nazi Party, settling in New York and embracing a new American identity. The later Broadway/Hollywood show tunes perhaps feel like more obvious candidates for jazz interpretation, but I also wanted to capture some of the flavour of his earlier, more European-sounding music. We recorded some fairly obscure Weill pieces (and some better-known ones) as well as one original of mine, which has a KW connection…

Having made a couple of albums featuring international guests, I was keen to document some more of the musical relationships that I’ve formed in London over the last few years. Matyas Gayer (piano), Dario Di Lecce (double bass), Steve Brown (drums) and Sara Dowling (special guest vocals on three tracks) are all great friends and amazing musicians.

The CD features artwork by Mariano Gil, black and white photos from the recording session by Dario Di Lecce and track-by-track liner notes by yours truly.

Some nice bits of press have started appearing:

Interview with UK Jazz News.

Interview with The Jazz Podcast. (you can either listen to it there on the website or click through to your podcast platform of choice)

Very nice piece from Japan about my three albums to date.

I’m currently on my way to Cambridge to play at Tim Boniface’s series at The Lab cocktail bar. Then looking forward to launching the album at PizzaExpress Jazz Club in Soho tomorrow evening with the full band from the record. Some other dates coming up over the summer:

13 July – Wigan Jazz Festival with Liam Byrne’s sextet, playing the music of Chet Baker and Art Pepper

20 July – Cambridge Summer Music: Duke Ellington’s Sacred Concert with Roland Perrin’s Blue Planet Orchestra, plus choir and soloist Zoe Brookshaw.

24 July – Mighty Like The Blues (feat. Pete Horshall, Jim Mullen, Mike Gorman, Shaney Forbes) in Cambridge University Botanic Garden (tickets are just the usual price of entry to the gardens)

20 August – Sam Braysher Quartet at Brentwood Jazz

22 August – Sam Braysher Quartet at Beckenham Jazz

26 August (afternoon) – Nigel Price Quartet at the Oval Tavern

26 August (evening) – 20/20 Jazz festival, Chichester (also feat. Art Themen)

27 August – Sam Braysher Quartet at East Side Jazz, Leytonstone

30 August – Sam Braysher Quintet feat. Annie Majin at Ladbroke Hall (west London)


Thank you for reading!


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